Known Friendlies

Monday, May 16, 2011

Saudi's finest


Swung by the gas station to top off the old car and get a couple of gallons of lawn mowing fuel. $30 later I'm asking myself why the fuck don't we boost the tax on this crap? The price of gas can go up 10-15 cents overnight and we just keep self-fleecing.

Almost every single penny leaves. Much of the money spent on gas leaves the country. If we'd slap an other 10-15 cents tax on it right now we could at least keep some of the cash closer to home. Gawd forbid we'd spend that gas tax on public transportation but even if the tax was spent on more and better roads and bridges we'd at least have some increased economic activity to show for our pain.

Of course if the citizens of this country were genuinely interested in bitch slapping a few of these oil rich despots around the world we'd go on a conservation binge like no other. Energy conservation is decidedly unprofitable for a few people. Conservation would be great for a guy at the pump like me.

The cheapest gallon of gas you'll ever have is the one you never have to buy.

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